Becker Mechanical Hand Co.

The Finest in Mechanical Hands 
If You Want the BEST,

The Truth is in Customer Satisfaction

Featured are customer's reviews:  one from a customer of approximately 50 years,
the other customer is relatively new and has published unsolicited reviews of our hand, as well as, other products.

Becker Mechanical Hand appreciates feedback and extends a big THANK YOU.

Becker Mechanical Hand is not responsible for the content of the reviews/links.

"There isn't anything I can't do"

Larry Roden has been a Becker customer for 50 years.   Larry is in the construction business, drives a motorcycle, and golfs among many other things.  He even makes a putt. 

Hear and see what Larry says about the Becker Hand.

"This Hand makes me Smile"

Wolf Schweitzer, is a new customer of ours, owning a Becker Mechanical Hand since August, 2009.

Wolf has tried other products and we're happy he's found our hand.  Wolf is a scientist and researcher, as such, he critiques and shares his opinions about available products.  We hope you find this information helpful in your quest to find something suitable for yourself.

In some of the pictures/videos Wolf has painted our hand red, and we say, 'hey, whatever makes you happy'.  

We've chosen a few links we think are informative about the Becker Hand and you can also find more information from Wolf by searching 'SwissWuff'.

As you proceed in the next link, the content  takes some time to load, many pictures and videos:



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